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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Awards for PPARI

Congratulations to all the award winners in RI! It enjoyed not knowing and the anticipation of who was going to receive and award!

The Winners Are!

Out of State Court of Honor - Sam Chinigo

In State Courts of Honor
Commercial - Al Weems
Wedding - Diane Miller Yeatman
Illustrative - Serena Parente Charlebois
Portrait - Diane Miller Yeatman
Digital - John Lovgren
Master - Serena Parente Charlebois
Student Court - Justin Frink

Fuji Awards
Commercial - Al Weems
Illustrative - Serena Parente Charlebois
Portrait - Serena Parente Charlebois
Digital - Serena Parente Charlebois
Wedding - Diane Miller Yeatman

Kodak Awards
Illustrative - Karen Bernard
Portrait - Serena Parente Charlebois
Digital - Paul Vicario
Wedding - Diane Miller Yeatman

Hallmark Award - Highest Color Portrait - Diane Miller Yeatman

Best of Show - Serena Parente Charlebois

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