Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Bob Akers
Maine Photographer of The Year 2008


"Goldie Locks"

"Spanish Dancer"

"Springtime In Maine"

"Afternoon At The Colony"

Cathrine Hellman
"Venice Vision"

Christal Treadwell
"Bridge To Work"

Claudia Murray

Bernard Littlefield (hey that's me!)
"Dark Thoughts"

Bernard Blaisdell
"Blushing Bride"

Rosemary Wyman
"Maine Fisherman"

Lisa Elizabeth
"What Lies Beneath"

LeeAnn Lafleur
"Three Golden Apples"

Jeff Morris
"Mid Coast Hospital"

William Brehm
"Bass Headlight"

Will Wenzel
"Alley Boy"

Tom Jones
"Bass Player

Dan Rodrigue

Mark Haskell
"Somewhere In Maine"

And Congratulations to Rosemary Wyman - winner of the PPANE President's NEIPP Scholarship
Will Wenzle the Maine winner of the PPANE 2009 Drawing

Maine Convention 2008 - Tuesday - BRAIN CRAMP!

Don and Bob finalize their plans for world domination. Something to do with a "Minnie Me"?

"Put the rods WHERE?!" Alan give me my last lesson in French cursing. (note new Master's ribbon around Alan's neck - Way to go!)

For sale - One slightly used MPPA business manager - CHEAP! PLEASE make us an offer!

Taking a break and checking out some albums.

How many photographers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

My drug of choice. If you see me slugging down one of these - get out of the way!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Maine Convention 2008 - Monday - Time to LEARN!

The dreaded print racks! It takes an engineering degree to figure these puppies out."Tab 'A' in slot 'B', then twist 'C' until it locks in 'D'?" Alan teaches me more French swear words.

Mark just looks like he's working. He's actually catching up on "Desperate Housewives"Don Chick give Bob Akers tip on his images (and further advice on world domination).
Rene Genest shows us all how to create a better competition image. Then Joan gets up and tells us REALLY how to make a better competition image.
Joan Genest doing her thing.

Freeport Maine. Home of LL Bean. Time for some shopping!But wait! What's this right NEXT to LL Bean? Hmmm... surely no one would be in there...
Figures who'd be in here. Don't worry Bob, Alan, Bernie, and Jim, no one will ever know you were here.
New PPANE Prez motto.Jim Churchill came back 4 days in a row - he finally figured it out.

Greetings from the Maine Convention Banquet. Right after this, I gave my PPANE Prez speech and put everyone into a deep coma.

Maine's Photographer of the Year! Congratulations Bob!
Last year's photographer of the year - Barbara Tobey shows off her talent. Later, five security guards wrestle Barbara to the ground and pry the cup from her hands so Bob can have it for the year.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Maine Convention 2008 - Sunday - Judgment Day

Our judging facility - the old Freeport town hall.
Judges looking pensive. Do they teach you that in judging class? Thanks Don, Rene, Joan, Kerry, Jim, and Gene!
FOOD! We won't tell my trainer I gained four pounds during convention.
Maine's incoming president - Bob Akers - discusses his plans for world domination by 2009.
Maine's newest (and youngest) members get roped -uh - "volunteer" to lend a hand. We appreciated the help Rickey and JessieGetting ready for "thumbs up" - organized chaos!Aftermath

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Maine Convention 2008 - Saturday - Set Up

Day 1 - Maine - my first convention as PPANE President - cool! It's nice to start my convention tour in my home state. So how will my Maine buddies treat me as "the Prez"? Will the bow or just genuflect? GET REAL! They put me to work in my old stomping grounds - the print committee.
The Hilton Garden in Freeport. Wonderful hotel. Just a tad on the chilly side.Alan Boutot working like a mad man putting the turntable together. Moments later the screwdriver goes through his finger. I'm now learning how to curse in French!Maine's illustrious business manager - Mark HaskellThe quiet before the storm.

Judge's view. Hey wait - is that sugar free chocolate!? Quick - someone run to Shaw's!