Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Maine Convention 2008 - Saturday - Set Up

Day 1 - Maine - my first convention as PPANE President - cool! It's nice to start my convention tour in my home state. So how will my Maine buddies treat me as "the Prez"? Will the bow or just genuflect? GET REAL! They put me to work in my old stomping grounds - the print committee.
The Hilton Garden in Freeport. Wonderful hotel. Just a tad on the chilly side.Alan Boutot working like a mad man putting the turntable together. Moments later the screwdriver goes through his finger. I'm now learning how to curse in French!Maine's illustrious business manager - Mark HaskellThe quiet before the storm.

Judge's view. Hey wait - is that sugar free chocolate!? Quick - someone run to Shaw's!


Jaci said...

Great expose` of the secret lives of Maine Photographers. Loved the pictures, and the captions told it all. Look forward to more. Good work Bernie!

Judith Potter said...

Hi Bernie,
It's great that you are sharing your Convention experiences through your blog. There is so much work putting together the Conventions...and so much fun, too!
See you at PPARI's Convention first weekend in March at the Viking Hotel in Newport, RI.