Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

New Hampshire Convention 2008 - Sunday

Photographing the "Backroom Gals" -
the next big singing sensation.

Uh, Fuzzy, what cha doin' back there?

The first of many prints to spin.

Don't they look excited?

Would you by life insurance from this man?

"And for my next number..."

Frank hanging out with Skip "who me?" Foisy.

Will strikes a pose with one of the Duenkel's albums.
(is that really lime green?)

Shirley dreaming about Fuzzy.

Time for shopping. How convenient!

Where the cool kids hang.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Hampshire Convention 2008 - Saturday - SHORT DRIVE!

Wow - a short drive! Only 3 1/2 hours!

Great spot!

"Input this buddy"

Nothing like waiting to the last minute
to put your case together! I've NEVER
done that (cough cough).

"Wait, scissors beat paper, rock beats scissors,
paper beats rock.
Where's the part about white gloves?"

After the convention, Shirl was reported missing.
Rumors have it the Maine crowd just wanted
to "borrow" her for a bit.

Don't let their sweet looks fool you.
If you don't give them money,
they'll beat the crap out of you!

Don't even think about smacking Bob
with that sneaker Mindy!

By 1:00 am, they had solved third world hunger,
and the rising gas prices. Now if they could figure
out the airline thing so
Jen and Mark could have been here!

THAT'S healthy - well sort of.

"Scuze me, scuze me. Mainiac with a
beer comin' through"

America's Next Top Models - Bob and Don

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Most Promising Newcomer
Creativity Plus

"Boston on the Rain"
Annalias Parent

Creative Folio
"Baby Emma"
Janet Miller

Members Choice
"Pretty In Pink"
Amalia Veralli

Present It - Members' Choice
"Dancers Present It"
Wayne Tarr

George Reed Award
Kodak Gallery Award - Portrait
Court of Honor - Non Master
"The Prospector"
Don Whipple

Kodak Gallery Award - Candid
"Milly from Philly"
Chris Beltrami

Kodak Gallery Award -Illustrative
Court Of Honor - Masters
"Taking Flight"
Wayne Tarr

Digital Imaging Award
"On Stage"
Donna Goodhue

Vermont Wedding
"Storybook Wedding"
Andy & Dario Bishop

Court Of Honor - Non Master
Henry Erikson

Court of Honor - Non Master
"Thistle Bee Sweet"
Susan Dutton

Court of Honor - Masters
"I Don't Like Time Out"
Chris Beltrami

Court Of Honor - Masters
"The Welcoming Committee"
Pat Beltrami

Best Black & White
Wayne Tarr

High Level Of Excellence
Chris Beltrami

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vermont Convention 2008 - Monday - Mary & Jamie!

I can't stop smiling because people actually got up
EARLY to hear my program!

Dorothy - 'nuff said.

"And when you're dealing with dysfunctional
groups like this one - drugs help"

Hey Kristine... How YOU doin'?

psst, hey, Jamie, ya just kinda left us here.
Jamie? Yo, Jaime!

Mary fascinates the crowd with her striptease.
What? You missed that part?

The Vermont Board
I hear you get group therapy rates for this many.

Now THAT's a family portrait!
(and a great family at that!)

"P?" we don't need no stinking "P"
(should be spelled fotograffers' anyway)

Recognition of LOTS of work!

"Do I have an opening bid for Brad?"

It's OK Jamie, this group scares me a little too.