Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog
A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.
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PPANE goes to PPA
This years PPA convention was held in Phoenix, AZ. I think this is my 12th year attending. I went the year before I received my Craftsman degree to speak and every year since. I am a fan of the January convention in a warm place opposed to the July convention in a HOT place. Of course many would remind me of Texas a few years ago and say it wasn't very warm, and my answer to that is I took an image that hung loan this year from those extra days we spent
there in the ice, so that wasn't too bad either! I have many reason's why I attended the PPA convention. Everything from the opportunity for education, my duties to serve on council to the ENORMOUS trade show, but most importantly
the recharge it does for me and my business. For those of us who are heavily involved in planing and working on our state and regional conventions, it is nice to go somewhere to attend and not work. Sure I have obligations like council meeting, affiliated judges workshop, mentor booth and this year I attending
the managers meeting for affiliates. This are a breeze being that I am just attending the meetings and not planning them.
Well it doesn't take you long there to run into our PPANE friends! Ed Pedi was the man to see t his year. He spoke in the Miller's Lab booth and in LabPrints. Above are some of the NE supporters listening to our very own!
If you would like to read about my first three days in AZ, check out my personal blog at http://www.thegoodhales.blogspot.com/
Wayne Tarr, Don Whipple and I went three days early for an adventure. And boy did we have one!!