PPA president, Dennis Craft giving a very emotional speech about his years of being a photographer, board member, husband and father.

Again Ann wowed me with her acceptance speech of the PPA Lifetime Achievement Award.

Ann displaying her new degree! Congrats Ann!!

Ann, Carol, and Jeff only SOME of the new degree holders from New England. We tried and tried to find everyone and failed.

John, Tammy, Linda and Ed enjoying the celebration provided by Kodak.

The MA group at the banquet!

CEO of PPA, David Trust taking a photograph of the new president.

Dennis Craft with me at the banquet. I took my affiliated judges class with Dennis. I have the utmost respect for him and his integrity.

Ed hanging with the Ladies. Hey, where is Linda?

The Zemba Brothers!!

Nancy letting some stress out!! If you see Nancy ask her where a drugstore is in Phoenix. You will get a good story with MANY laughs.

Everyone congratulating Ann on her new degree!

Lynn and Jennifer. Lynn it was a treat to spend time with you!! We all missed you MUCH!

It is friendships like these that I have formed from belonging to PPANE. Many know the detour Lynn's life took a few years back and I am sure she will tell you how much her photography family helped her get through the rough times.

I LOVE you ED!! You are such a great person and so much FUN to be around. Congrats on your nomination to be moved up on the PPANE EC board. You will be an excellent addition to this hard working team!

Ed Zemba catching up with Lynn and showing her photos on his itouch. Who do you think took them??

Lynn, Bob and Ed for a family hug!

Sandwich kiss from the Zemba's

Robert Charles Photography team that came to speak at PPA.

Mary likes to hang out with the NE group. She is part of our extended family.

Many of you know this man as the FACE of PPA. This is Al Hopper's last convention as membership chair for PPA. I am convinced we will continue to see his face in the years to come. Al we at PPANE owe you much for you years of dedication to our profession. I know as a EC board member in the last 4 years your advice and willingness to help in leadership training has put us on a better path. Best wishes for your journey ahead and always remember your NE photo family is here for you!!
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