As president of PPANE one of the best parts about visiting other associations is the members that you get to meet. Being a judge also has its perks, the giving out a judges choice ribbon. In Maine I had the opportunity to meet Melissa in the hospitality suite the night before judging had started. She told me that she had entered a print for the first time and she was a little nervous. I gave her the advice not to enter anything she was emotionally attached to in the beginning. Little did I know.The next day was print judging and that night I found myself sitting with Melissa at the end of the day. I had to ask her how she did, VERY excitedly Melissa told me that her print was going to hang in the show. When I asked her what print was hers, she described a print that I remembered from the first 15 prints we judged. I then asked her the story behind the print knowing from the title there whad to be a story. It turned out it was VERY personal story and she had a definate emotional attachment to her print. I choose to give Melissa my judges choice ribbon. Her storyand print were 100% why we do what we do, it is not about scores, ribbons or money. It is about capturing a moment that forever will be preserved. Melissa, thank you for sharing your story with me!!
What a great way to start my 6 state travels. Maine maybe in my review mirror, but the memories will be with me for a lifetime!

A BIG thank you to Mark Haskell, Alan Boutot and Tim Byrne for the help with images for the blog!
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