Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog
A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.
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Top notch Education
Of course, one of the most, if not the most,
important reason to come to the convention is to be educated and inspired by some of the best talent in our industry. We couldn’t bring them without help from our sponsors, and are grateful for their support. Please take notice
and give them special consideration when deciding who to turn to for your business’ needs. I would like to thank the following sponsors and
speakers for our excellent programs: Burrell Lab sponsored Glen Gray who’s classes gave an opportunity to get a leg up on digital cameras, workflow and business management. Kingdom Color helped out with
Don Whipple and Bob Jenk’s early bird program on lighting and posing. Virtual Backgrounds and Marathon Press brought us Greg Stangl a
nd his program, “The Power of Persuasion”. American Color Imaging sponsored Thom Rouse and his artistic program on
“Visual Literacy”. Kodak, Whitehouse Custom Color and Larson Enterprises co-sponsored
Carl Caylor’s informative program, “TheArtistic Elements of Portraiture”. Fujifilm helped bring us a seniors program by Ellie Vayo (who will be teaching at NEIPP). Tina and Michael Timmons’ program,
“How to Make More Money” utilizing artistic techniques to set one’s work apart from the rest, was sponsored by Miller’s
Professional Imaging. I am also grateful for sponsorship and help
from others who helped make our convention the best it could be. Canon helped out with their equipment and technicians at the Photographers Shootout/”The One”. Natural Color helped sponsor the PPANE party, and Brides.com gave out free drink tickets . Lenzart made the terrific signage for the convention.