PPANE Partners with the
Hallmark Institute of Photography and
New England School of Photography

New England School of Photography

PPANE President Bernie Littlefield and President Elect Donna M. Goodhue presented 215 Certificates of Accomplishment along with 215 PPANE convention passes to Hallmark Institute of Photography graduates.

George Rosa, III, president of the school was incredibly welcoming to us. As George introduced us, his praise of PPANE stepping up and taking a first step to acknowledge these graduates was commendable.

George Rosa, III, president of the school was incredibly welcoming to us. As George introduced us, his praise of PPANE stepping up and taking a first step to acknowledge these graduates was commendable.

He talked of the importance of the Association and urged students to take advantage of PPANE's generous offer. We were able to share with the students what the associations have done for us, what they can do for themselves and the importance of being member.

We were also very excited to provide almost 90 packets to New England School of Photography. They graciously agreed to mail their students our convention pass, congratulations letter from our President and applications for the student program.

The 8+ Students selected for the student program were...

Heather Bell,
Amy-Lynn Boucher,
Cathy Durbin,
Melissa Robin Longstaffe,
Rebecca Matthew,
Loretta McGrath,
Sandra McNary,
Adrienne Struss,
Jacquelin Manning,
and Vincent Anderson.
Amy-Lynn Boucher,
Cathy Durbin,
Melissa Robin Longstaffe,
Rebecca Matthew,
Loretta McGrath,
Sandra McNary,
Adrienne Struss,
Jacquelin Manning,
and Vincent Anderson.
These student volunteers helped set up, helped with the committees and helped make sure all the members know where all the events are at the newconvention location in Nashua, New Hampshire. The students' expenses were paid for the three days and nights through the sponsorship of White House Custom Color.

Thank you to Allen Swinimer, Paul Camello, Joe Dunn, Ed Pedi, Nancy Holowitz, Jack Holowitz, Chet Maguire, Mark Haskell and Rick Nourse for being mentors to the student volunteer's.
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