Our evening began with our MC, Richard Castiglione doing introductions and getting right down to business giving Nancy Green the podium.

Our top two awards given by Lustre Color for the Highest Scoring Print: went to...
John Hill “Up from Atlantis”

Paulette Mertes was the winner of the
Canon Par Excellence Award

Gillian Randall gave an incredible invocation. We paused to remember our dear photo friends and family that have passed away in the last year.

The Three Stooges.... oh I mean Bob, Jay and Don. These three being major mentors in my photo life, it meant the world to have them at the banquet to support my new adventure as PPANE president.

The Vermont gang in full force!! You guys are the BEST!! Three tables to support the president elect!!

The NH group in large numbers!! Do you think they like the new location???

The student table gave a little youth to the banquet! After all their hard work, it was nice to see them let loose and have fun!!

Looks like a past presidents table to me!!

Rhode Island group gets together for a group photo. I hope next year we see more faces from RI!!

Tom trying to say thank you to 5000 people in 3 minutes!!!

One of the many honors as president is giving the Presidents Medal. This year recipient is Jennifer Roggi, I can't think of anyone more deserving then Jen! Congrats Jen!!!

Look at the size of this plaque! I think it weighs 80 pounds. Well earned Bernie, every ounce of it!!

Past recipients who have received any National Award.

Roland presenting Jennifer and Keith with the 2008 PPANE National Award. In my 20 years involved in PPANE these 2 are ALWAYS there behind the scenes working. They have donated much of their time to make PPANE a better assocation. It was nice to see them acknowledged for it!!

Roland doing the honors of swearing in the new slate of officers.

Here we are your 2009 PPANE board!


There always has to be a roudy table in the group!

Jen, does your car have enough room to fit all your awards??? AWESOME images, You GO GIRL!!

Do a little dance, make a little love...
Get down tonight, Get down tonight!

A has been and his friend Diane!!

Jack signing all those amazing EYE images that his wife Nancy convinced him to print for the banquet tables!

Helen, Nancy and Roland enjoying the music.

The dancing went well into the night!!
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