What a ride! This last year has had its ups and downs as president. Thanks to you, it’s been mostly up! My most cherished memories will be the ones of spending time with you at your state conventions. It

started with my home state of Maine – and the first blizzard to drive through.

As you might know, Mainers (or as we say, Mainiacs) are not easily impressed. The greeting was something like “Yeah, great, you’re the PPANE prez. Don’t let it go to

your head and get to work on the print committee.” They kept me pretty grounded and made the first stop on the convention tour familiar and friendly. Connecticut was next – and blizzard number two. What should have taken a

little over four hours to drive took me over EIGHT hours! A special thanks to

Nancy Green who talked me through my road rage around hour six. The Connecticut members made the drive well worth it. I had a great time seeing the PPANE members in their home element. I always had this image of Connecticut folks being very proper and formal.

Tell that to the “kids” who were heckling me during my speech during their banquet! Ringleaders Joan and Rene made sure I didn’t take myself too serious. Convention three and blizzard three.
Hmmm. Seeing a pattern here. Massachusetts made me feel like one of the

family. And EAT. These people know how to stock a hospitality suite. I think I gained five pounds that weekend

(I’m still keeping that secret from my trainer). I was a little thrown off when I went to the registration desk and saw a huge poster with my face on it. “Target practice?” I thought. Nope. Just their way of welcoming the PPANE prez. Nice touch! I fooled blizzard number four by going to Rhode Island early. Make no mistake, there WAS a blizzard on the day I was supposed to be traveling so at this point I’m thinking “someone” is scheduling these

blizzards for my benefit. The hotel was quite the sight! We had a “memorable” social night
with Mike and Cody from Texas. I could tell you stories, but I’ve been paid NOT to. What made Rhode Island very special was to see my friend Alan Boutot make his judging debut! On to Vermont.

The blizzard curse is broken – big time! The weather is absolutely gorgeous and almost as warm as the greeting I received. Vermont was the site of my debut as a speaker. I gave an early bird lecture and people actually came to it! I confirmed my belief that people in

Vermont do not know the meaning of high blood pressure. What a fantastic laid back bunch of people. OK,

so their banquet night may not have been suitable for all audiences (I

learned much more about the personal lives of these people than I should have). New Hampshire was one big blow out party! This is one tight knit bunch. I’ve never seen so many volunteers! It seemed EVERYONE pitched in to make their convention a HUGE success. At the banquet,

I swear every
member of their state was thanked for their individual contributions. Jen Raiche and her incredible imagination came up with a very creative way to decorate the banquet tables – and keep us occupied at the same time! Then the dancing began. I haven’t danced that much in a LONG time. And the partying didn’t stop there. The hospitality suite was LITERALLY standing room only.

These are just a tiny few precious memories I have of being your president this last year.
Did I accomplish everything I wanted?

Not a chance. If nothing else, I learned that plans and goals have to be fluid. I faced some challenges I hadn’t planned on (some more challenging that others), but thanks to you, I’ll remember being your PPANE president as one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences of my life.
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