Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Home town USA. Here we go PPAM! Dan Doke our prez and the whole board did a great job this year. Thanks for being so dedicated to PPAM.

Both NH and MA had Oscar themes at thier awards reception. I think we won with the most original poses with Oscar!

Our never tiring crew in charge. Andy put us all to work. She is a fantastic leader!

PPAM wins the "most on the dance floor" award! Boy we were party-ers that night.

Can't thank everyone enough for all the fun. Dan, thanks for the flowers.

The print homees.
We always have such happy people at registration!
It was really cool to be the PPANE prez at my home state convention. I got treated like a QUEEN! Thanks guys!

1 comment:

Andy said...

These are such fun photos! Thanks Tracy Gilford for being there to witness the good the bad and the insanity!!!