This is the official hotel for PPA, just walking distance from the International Tower.

Nancy Green also decided to attend to help in her growth as a EC member and to bring information back to MA.

OH OH OH, this is the second part of the PPA address, we must be HOT at this point!

Going with the PPA theme of orange for volunteers, we all packed our orange shirts to wear.

Yep this MUST be the place!

No doubt about it! Here is Marrisa Pitts our official welcome to PPA!!

Marrisa is one of those people you ALWAYS know will be able to help you out and point you in the right direction. We almost didn't recognize her without her orange shirt on!

Nancy and ME with Marissa!

Mark Haskell was there as the Maine ED. Ask him about what it is like to get to get into the PPA headquarters on a Sunday. He has a funny story to share!!

Here are some of the dedicated staff of PPA. They gave up their Sunday to spend it with us sharing some of the keys that have made PPA so successful the last few years.

Look close...PPANE is honored in the boardroom with recognition of our 100th convention. Do you notice only one more affiliate listed longer then US!!

The PPANE board can not thank David Trust enough for the last few years of sharing the leadership training information with us. We as a board are stronger and our association is moving forward again.

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