Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

New England Council Members

New England PPA Council members were well represented and attended the 2009 meeting. In my 8 years of being on council this is the first time we did a group photo. It was nice to see New England does have some effect with the number of votes.

Ed Pedi checks in Wayne Tarr. Wayne was a proxy vote for Charlie Parker.

CT council members Harvey, Rene, Glen and Marie.

Wayne and I at his first council meeting. He was the proxy vote for Charlie Parker. I think he was impressed with how formal it was.

Alan, Bob, Joe, Paul and Ed.

NH members Skip and Gene with the ME representative Mark.