Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let's Party!!

If you missed the PPANE party this year, you certainly missed one of the most unique parties we have ever had. Tom really out did himself on this one!! We were certainly entertained with the Joan Rivers impersonator. She or is it HE greeted everyone at the door.

I am still not sure if Sal knows if Joan was male or female!!!

Ann and Jeff were celebrating their anniversary. Joan had some words of advice for them too!!

I think Joan was trying to take Alan home with her!!

Keith and Jen are surprised by their
welcome as they walk into the room!

Here Joan and Rene get a little marrital advice
from Joan and all her experience!

I just think maybe Nancy stole the show from Joan for just a minute!!

Here Mark poses with Joan!!

Don't think you were going to be safe in the
corner, no one was safe from Joan's humor!

Here are our hosts Rick and Tom, I think they were the only ones that knew what we were in for!!!

Even I wasn't safe from her!! She insisted I looked like Rosie O'Donnell and of course I was a lesbian!! Well then EVERYONE was either gay or a lesbian according to her.

Joan did a great job working the room and turning over every rock to find someone hiding from her!

After all the hard work of the print committee, it was time to have a drink and a few laughs!!

You can see the laughs didn't stop all night!!

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