Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Before taking over this blog, our current prez, Nancy Green wanted to give me the chance to wrap up. It has been a profound experience for me to be PPANE’s president. I am so grateful to having a wonderful, supportive board to work with. This extends back to my years coming up the board when I never imagined that someday I’d be holding the gavel. Now, I ask you to give Nancy and the board your encouragement as they work to take PPANE forward, continuing in bringing together our photographic community for great education and fellowship!Ah, this amazing group of people that make up the board. They worked so hard this year and I am so proud to have served with them!

Yep, I'm looking happy! I'm now a past president! I treasure my memories of being president, the wonderful folks I met and got to know better. Now, I look forward to more time to focus on my work and business, oh, and more bike rides! Take it away Nancy!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Vermont board in front of the gorgeous Equinox Hotel....oops, I dropped my camera!
Nice antlers Kevin!
Is this how things look if I drink what's in that glass?
Janet's presidential profile.

More VPP-ers getting lit.

I couldn't resist running my fingers through Gillian's hair.
I get my FIRST speaking merit....and for getting to play around with lights and experiment on the Vermonters.
...and here's the folks willing to watch!

More happy faces from a great time at the Equinox!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


(top) Arthur tells of his wonderful plans for the week on the night before the students arrive. Next, here's all the trustees, some ppane board members and instructors, all eagerly anticipating the week ahead. You (viewer) really ought to go to facebook and check out PPANE/NEIPP and see all the photos of our incredible week.

Arthur, you just blew us away!!! NEIPP transformed!! I just know everyone will go home and rave about thier week and the school wide group shot will require a wider lens next year to accomodate everyone who will come.

This old dog sure learned some new tricks this past week from David Beckstead. Put the camera on the ground without looking through the viewfinder, aim it at the sun. I had no idea!!!!!!
"Be in Good Company" had so many layers this week.

We had a lot of fun as well as learning. Other than my eyes being closed in this picture from the toga party, can anyone figure out what else isn't quite right?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rhode Island convention

Multi-tasking, registering folks and celebrating a birthday
Rhode Island!...Rhode Island!......

Great show of 20's style!
Lotsa feathers! Must have been dangerous to be a bird in the 20s.

Hmm, digital back avalable?

Please check your "violin" cases at the door.

I had fun dancing with the RI-ers! Worth a sore knee later.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The MA convention was my first time spending time in Plymouth. The Hotel just a "stones throw" from Plymouth Rock, which is rather underwhelming to actually look at, but very thought provoking to be in it's presence.
To look at that boat and ponder the Pilgrim's landing is quite inspiring too.

I feel like a celeb! Folks want to have me pose with them for pix.

Second convention in a row kicked off with a program by a past PPANE prez , and on blogging even!
Camera turned on convention photographer, Tracy Gilford

Geez, I thought EVERYONE knows the movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane"!
Joyce gets help from Jamil at registration

Joyce and I get to be the PPANE/NEIPP experts, any questions Mark?

MA prez , Andy Joliat, posing w/me
Beware MA photographers bearing blue cameras!!

In the company of 6 PPANE past prez'