Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hard to think another year has passed by. I am sure this year with all my travels for PPANE it will fly by even faster! This is my holiday card for 2008. If you don't have your family photographed every year then you need to add this to your list of to do's this year. I can honestly say the mailing of this card has been very beneficial to my business for the last 16 years for a couple of reasons. First is the obvious, it keeps me in touch with my clients and is an added factor that makes us family. This small gesture has brought clients back to me year after year. No matter how many months go by and I run into a client, the first thing they say to me is how much they enjoyed my card and ask to never be removed from the list. If that wasn't reason enough to have these portraits done, the other reason is more important. It gives me the chance to walk in the shoes of my clients at least once a year. From choosing the photographer to create the image, to finding a time to pull 4 busy schedules together (the three of us and the photographer) to what we should wear. These are all the stresses that our clients go through. And that just gets you to the session. Then wanting it all to come out perfect, and the agonizing pain of picking our the final ones. Every step I take is the same my clients do. It really puts the process into prospective and helps me understand every day what my clients have gone through to walk through my door. If you think about it, we expect our clients to compensate us for the amount we do and yet many of us won't even have it done FREE. How can we truly value what we do if we don't even do it ourselves. I challenge all of you in 2009 to do a family portrait and display it proudly in your studios!

The images above were taken by Jay Kennedy. I worked for Jay when I was in high school. To this day his imagery still amazes me. Yes we were in a field with cows, my cat Bella and dog, Lola. These images are ONE FRAME images. No head
swapping, no photoshop tricks! They are as Jay captured them.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the winner is...

We’re ringing in the New Year and announcing the winner of the First Ever PPANE Calendar Competition. This project was one that for years I have been wanting to do and as president was able to make it happen. My call for images turned up a raft of gorgeous work from PPANE members. Our talented members were excited by the prospect of this showcase for their work and our beautiful region and each entrant could enter four images - one for each season.
The images were judged at the convention by our print jurors and 16 winners
were selected. Yes, this is a 16 month calendar I will have copies for sale at the upcoming state conventions.

After the convention, images were posted on LustreColor’s
web site and all were invited to vote for a cover image. The competition was fierce with this image by Janet Miller of Vermont winning to be featured on the cover of this years calendar.
The image makers whose work will be featured inside are Janet Miller (4 images!), Barry Hayes (2), Pipere Sailer (2), Jack Holowitz (2), Ed Pedi, Andie Goodman,
Andrea Carbonneau, Mark Haskell, Marilyn Dillon and Candace Pratt Stiteler.

The calendar project is funded entirely by sponsorship from The Vermont Professional Photographers Association
and LustreColor and proceeds from calendar sales.
Congratulations to all who entered. Let’s have even more great entries next year!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Did you VOTE???

Many years ago I came up with the concept of doing a PPANE calendar, but not having enough support the idea was passed over. Now with the price of press printing more affordable, the help from our sponsors and a board willing to try NEW things, in 2009 PPANE will unveil our first PPANE calendar.

In honor of my presidency, my home state of Vermont is one of the sponsors of the calendar. The VPP board thought it would be a great way to remember Joel Towart, whom we were benefactors of his tremendous generosity. Joel was a big fan of PPANE and never missed a chance to spend time with his PPANE friends. I can not thank Vermont Professional Photographers enough for supporting me and PPANE in this project!

Our other sponsor is LustreColor. 3 years ago I approached Ken Wilson asking for help with this project. He has done all he can to help make it happen and I am thrilled to have them as a supporter and LustreColor host the voting.

Speaking of voting. Did you vote for the cover of the calendar?? The inside images were selected by out of region PPA Affiliated Judges, but the cover choice is up to the members. Please take the time to vote for your favorite image!!


The calendar will run from September 2009 to December 2010. I will have them as I visit each state convention to sell. Can't wait to see what is going to be on the cover! Voting is opening till Friday, Dec 12th at NOON.