Welcome to the PPANE Prez Blog

A lot happens between one convention to the next. I hope this blog will share with the members all the STUFF in between. Enjoy and please contact me at ppaneprez@ppane.com if you have something you would like to share for the blog.

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Monday, February 25, 2008


Kodak Gallery Award - Wedding
"A Kiss In Passing"
Dan Doke

Kodak Gallery Award - Conceptual Image
"Abstract Master"
Doug Bradshaw

Highest Scoring Print
Highest Scoring Conceptual Image
Highest Scoring ASP Member
Fuji Masterpiece Award - Conceptual Image
PPAM Court of Honor - Conceptual Image
"As The Crow Flies"
Jennifer Hudson

Hallmark Award for Best Color Portrait
"Barefoot Dreams"
Cheryl Steinhoff

Fuji Masterpiece Award - Unclassified/Illustrative
"Daily Commute"
Ed Pedi

Fuji Masterpiece Award - Wedding
"Firery Seas"
Dan Doke

Out of State Award
"Off The Beaten Path"
Laura Pineda

PPAM Court of Honor - Social Event
"Party Like a Rock Star"
John Lenis

Fuji Masterpiece Award - Portrait
"Snow Days"
Richard Barnes

Creative Theme
Richard Barnes

Kodak Gallery Award - Unclassified/Illustrative
"The Raven"
Jennifer Hudson

Kodak Gallery Award - Portrait
PPAM Court of Honor - Portrait
"The Witness"
Jennifer Hudson

PPAM Court of Honor - Unclassified/Illustrative
"The Toy Rocking Horse"
Paul Camello Sr.


Special Masters Trophy
Tom Todesca Nature Photo Award
"White Widow"
Russ Price

Folio Award
"Alter Ego"
Pete Way

Massachusetts Convention 2008 - Monday - Say Goodbye!

We just stuffed Mark Til in a closet - shhhhh!

If you hold her hands down, she can't speak!

Can you believe Ed Pedi actually posed for these!?

Kevin teaches us how to be bullet proof.
Can you say "Department of Redundancy Department"?

Now THAT'S a color picker!

Home Sweet Home.
Well in another 3 hours!

Massachusetts Convention 2008 - Sunday - Funday!

LOOK! - TOYS! Can I have one? Huh? Huh? Can I? Can I?

JB takes aim.
Does he ever NOT have a camera with him?

Lunch with the vendors. Fun!
Just don't talk to them with your mouth full.

Linda shows that the longer it is, the more you get.

Art looking very dapper as always.
Is he always so darn nice?

Tracy set his camera and then dives into the mosh pit.

Ready for the big night.
I LOVED the candids from last year!

Russ tries to make off with one of the awards.
Luckily Nancy tackles him to the ground in the lobby.

Who let the penguin in?

Not sure why Nancy was flashing Wyeth.
But he seemed to enjoy it!

Russ hands out the good stuff!
Aren't you glad you took that public speaking class?

We love your work Jennifer.
Next year could you sit closer to the stage?

Now Russ, violence never solved anything.

Mark and Pete swap fish stories.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Massachusetts Convention 2008 - Saturday - Judging Mania

Sure, Dan, you can smile. YOUR work isn't being judged

No Dad, really, I'm not watching porn.

Now, to make a really good shadow puppet,
you have to hold your hand like this...

Mark introduces the next victims - uh - board members!

John Paul teaches us about color - oh, and
the fact we're unstable!


Nightmare score!

Up or down, hmmm, I just don't know

Michael Jackson wanna be.

Ready for the flood.

Mark shows off the new income tax codes.
Exciting huh Frank?

Now THAT's an intense look!

FOOD! Hmmm, I wonder if I can fit this in the elevator
and get it to my room...

Checkin' out the art. GREAT show.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Massachusetts Convention 2008 - Friday - MORE Snow?!

No sign of snow THIS time.
Should be a pleasant drive to Massachusetts.
Huh? What is that ominous sounding music?

I can't believe this!
Three conventions, three blizzards.
I'm beginning to take this personally.

The Crowne Plaza. Finally made it.

Nice place. Hey is that Ed?

Can you believe these two?
Playing "DOOM" while we have all these prints to get ready!

Ummm, Nancy, what are you doing with all
of those nasty photos of me?

Hey guys, I don't thing blessing the prints will get them a better score.

For his next trick, Jamie will saw Adam in half -
no, wait, THIRDS (we have to be compositionally correct!)

Aww, ya shouldn't have.

Let's see, something before bed. I'll have one of each!